
Batman One Bad Day: Ra’s Al Ghul #1 Hardcover

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99.

SKU: LD19190881852 Category:


For centuries Ras al Ghul has wanted to save the Earth from the worst of humankind, and for centuries he has failed. Recently his greatest obstacle has been the Dark Knight Detective, Batman. Ras offered Batman a chance to be a part of his new world order, but Batman refused. For years their cold war has raged, but Ras will have no more. Ras will remove Batman from the equation and save the world, re-creating it in his image and bringing the peace and prosperity all the good-hearted souls of this Earth deserve. Dont miss this epic tragedy from the all-star creative team ofTom Taylor(Nightwing,Superman: Son of Kal-El,DCeased) andIvan Reis(Detective Comics,Blackest Night): the last of the One Bad Day specials, and one of the most epic to date.


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